Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Algorithm for relating two tables in MS-Access

  1. Start
  2. Click on Start Button à All Programs à MS Office à MS-Access
  3. A new blank database is opened. Use the Database wizard, where Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Pages etc., will appear on the left side in the wizard
  4. Click on existing tables already created in the previous problem and now create two reports using Design view or by using Report wizard and  Save it by entering report names to both the reports
  5. Report1 is created by using wizard view by following step by step process by including the required columns Register Number, Name, marks of all subjects from the existing columns of tables and Total is already inserted as an Expression with the formula as : =(m1+m2+m3+m4+m5) while Query creation and finally save the report with an appropriate name
  6. Report2 is created by using wizard view by following step by step process by including the required columns Register Number from the existing column of any table, Total is already inserted as an expression with the formula as : (m1+m2+m3+m4+m5)  and Percentage as expression with the formula as : (total/5) while Query creation and finally save the report with an appropriate name
  7. Double click the Reports to see the results of the reports in the desired format
  8. Close the database
  9. Stop

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