Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Algorithm for Number Conversions in MS-Excel

  1. Start
  2. Click on Start Button à All Programs à MS Office à MS-Excel
  3. A new blank worksheet is opened which contains A, B, C …. Rows and 1,2,3, … columns and the intersection of the rows and columns forms cells having the reference A1, A2, A3, … , B!, B2, B3, … etc.
  4. Enter the heading for the Program converting Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal at 1st row
  5. Enter the given data in Ath column in the rows 3, 4, 5 …, and with appropriate headings in the columns B3, C3, D3 type the functions dec2bin(A4), dec2oct(A4), dec2hex(A4) functions respectively
  6. Copy B4, C4, D4 to remaining rows by placing the mouse pointer at the left, bottom corner of each cell and the mouse pointer changes to small + sign and drag it to other cells, then the other rows are filled with appropriate results
  7. Repeat step (5) and (6) for converting from Binary to others, Octal to others and Hexadecimal to others with appropriate functions by specifying proper cell references in the functions
  8. Save the worksheet with proper name and Close the Excel worksheet
  9. Stop

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